Conjunctions & Open Agencies

Mar 15, 2023

Two agents are better than one right? And ten agents are better than two right? Wrong

A Conjunction is when you engage two sales agents to sell your property and they split the commission no matter which one sells it. Two agents for the price of one is better right? Wrong

  1. They’re each earning half of what they earn on their other listings so neither of them is going to work as hard
  2. They are less co-ordinated. There is more chance of buyers “playing them”
  3. The campaign efforts are not as laser focused as when one agent manages the whole thing.

An Open Agency is when you don’t engage any sales agents on an exclusive basis … you engage a number of agents on a non exclusive basis where they only get paid if they introduce the buyer. Ten agents is better than one right? Wrong

  1. There is no co-ordination to the plan of attack or the narrative about your property
  2. Buyers start hearing about the property from many agents which creates a cheap/desperate vibe
  3. None of the agents put much effort in because they might be doing it for nothing
  4. And MOST IMPORTANTLY the agents incentive is primarily to get a transaction to happen. They will pressure you to accept any offer they can get. On the flipside when you engage an agent on an exclusive basis they know they are getting paid either way, so they can put their efforts into maximising the price rather than pressuring you to accept an offer.